Friday, July 15, 2011

We Live in Fear of Losing Our Kids

I got this email via a friend who is good friends with this mom, who is also an acquaintance of mine, who has lost/is losing her child as a result of the breakup of her relationship to her former partner, the "bio mom."

I had a nightmare about losing the kids the night after reading this. 

From: "'Chele"
Date: July 14, 2011 12:29:08 PM EDT

Please read this and forward to anyone you think could help.

I am reaching out to whomever and wherever I can, to try and keep my fight for Lucy alive. Mullen's attorney commented to the press that "this case will be going straight to the US Supreme Court". No one seems to know why he said that, but if there is any way possible that my chance of fighting for Lucy is not over, I want it. I know you are busy, but if you could take the time to read this opinion, and help me uncover the slightest error or words that opens the door for us to at least FILE with the US Supreme court and pray for an audience and most importantly get my visitation reinstated through the process it would be worth the world to me. Even if it took them 2 years to reject it, we could possibly get my visitation returned during the process. Please, please, please...try and find something, anything that would give me some hope. Share this with anyone you can....Lisa Meeks knows I am begging for help...she is still trying to find a way as well. Lucy is going to be 6 years old in two weeks. I do not know which feeling is more powerful right now; the fear and loneliness of never seeing Lucy again, or the anger and outrage I have over a judicial system that could allow a lie to destroy the future of my little girl and me. Go to the link below and click on the slide show (volume on) of the first years of me and Lucy. The song was written by my friends; The Wild Mountain Berrys, it will break your heart. Too often lawyers must put their feelings and emotions aside, but I believe when it comes to family matters, you should do just the opposite. In my situation you are fighting for someone who can't, a little girl who is not allowed to have a voice. NONE. Because I have been denied any rights, Lucy will NEVER be able to speak to what matters to her. I won’t be allowed to reach out to her until she is an adult at 18, and by that time the truth will cause more harm than good I'm afraid. PLEASE try and help. Fresh and eager minds always bring new ideas and hope. Pass this on to colleagues, law students, professors, anyone who might be able to salvage this case…my life and the future of my family. Thank you...with my all my heart....thank you for your help and understanding.
 ‘Chele & Lucy

Photo show of me and Lucy:  (you can also view Ohio SUPCO hearing here)
Slip Opinion:

I still haven't looked at the slideshow.  Couldn't bear it.

1 comment:

  1. If you think this mother might be open to having tea with me, I would be willing to speak with her about how life does come from death, not from the judicial system and my story might comfort her. You know who I am, Yvonne!
